If you are looking for some extra income, it would be appealing to you that you take up a part-time job as a freelance book editor. A freelance book editor works as a proofreader and reviews the scripts of e-books/hardcover publications. Sometimes, your job is to make edits on the script as per the instruction of the publisher.
Many online writing companies are hiring people with good command in English to take this position. The pay is good especially if you are from a country with English is the native language. If you choose to get hired by an online writing company, you will have to submit a resume that includes a sample essay. The editor will review your writing style and determine your English fluency level based on the essay in the resume.
You also should equip yourself with the knowledge of how to use every function in a PDF editor as they will be sending the script for reviewing in PDF form. For example, you must know how to perform basic tasks like changing image, text block and adding pages in a PDF. You will need to invest in a basic PDF editor like Movavi PDF editor to finish your book editing job. The editor allows you to copy image and text block in the Edit Object mode. You must first select the image or text block when you are in Edit Object Mode and then press copy button to copy it. Get more details at pdf.movavi.com/how-to-add-pages-to-pdf.html.
If you want to paste it, just go to the page you want to paste in and press the paste button. To add a blank page, first select the specific page you want to add the blank page after it and press the blank page button. You can rotate any editable element on the page by pressing the rotate button. You can also select any text block on the page and press the Append Files button to create a new page of it. If you press the Extract button, it will save it into a separate PDF file.
You can find freelance book editing jobs at a lot of online freelance sites. It is not going to be easy to win a project in these freelance sites due to the competition. If you want to offer the service on your own site, you must know about SEO and be skilled in ranking your site in order to get customers. There is no need to find a lot of jobs if you are the only editor working in the company.
It is recommended that you get an English language certification if you want to get started in this field. In this way, you will be able to include proof to your academic background on your website. The website that you use for offering the book editing services must have a clean and professional design. There must not be any error in the navigation label and other text you include on your website.
The customer will immediately get the impression that you are not fluent in English if he notices that there are a lot of error on the text in your site. Another tip is not to just advertise your book editing services online but also try some offline promotional techniques. For example, you can promote your services by giving away business cards in places like colleges/universities, book-stores and authors.